October Fusion Athlete: Ben Sledge

If you’ve attended a late afternoon class at DBS, whether it’s Fusion or Strength, then you’ve worked out alongside our next October Fusion Athlete, Ben Sledge. Ben has proven to be a very driven member of the community, and he’s also a constant source of inspiration and motivation in and out of the gym.

We asked Ben a few questions about what brought him to DBS from CrossFit, bouncing back from injuries, and some advice for new members.

Congratulations, Ben!

How did you hear about Dane’s Body Shop?

My wife had gotten Groupon for 10 classes and went and said it nearly killed her and I would love it. I had plateaued in my strength conditioning and cardio and couldn’t find the motivation to keep pushing myself and knew I needed a big change, so I dropped by Dane’s, tried a class, and fell in love with it!

You were previously a CrossFitter. What made you leave CrossFit and come to DBS? What do you see is the biggest difference between the classes and programming styles?

When you don’t have someone to watch over you and make small corrections to your form or point out where there’s a need for mobility and function it can quickly lead to injury. I found myself getting hurt often and pushing myself to levels that weren’t healthy, and I sacrificed form for completing quick workouts, and that’s dangerous. I wanted a place that focused on durability, longevity, form, and strength to transform me into an athlete, as opposed to a machine that pumps out reps in an allotted time. When I arrived at Dane’s, the first thing I noticed was that anytime my form failed the coaches would have me drop significant weight and focus on getting it right. The programming is similar in high intensity, but you don’t see people passing out and instead are pushing themselves to achieve healthy goals. Additionally, the HUGE difference for me was the strength class, which is a full hour of just lifting extremely heavy weight for low reps and focusing on Olympic form. Then toss in Yoga, and you’re set to become a really high functioning athlete!

You have battled with injuries, what motivates you to come back into the Shop and get back after it?

Funny enough, all my injuries have just been dumb luck outside the gym or old military injuries I had to get seen for. You turn 30 and suddenly your body stops liking you. Somehow I can go to bed now and hurt myself sleeping! But what keeps me coming back is the desire to live healthy and they way it makes me feel rejuvenated after a long, or particularly challenging day at the office. It’s a giant relief and calms me down and gets out the day’s frustrations. What makes it even better are the great folks at Dane’s that show up and encourage you too!

You come from a military background physical fitness is in your blood, how has DBS continued to inspire you to stay physically fit?

They have a saying in the military that goes, “If you don’t mind, it don’t matter”. It was in reference to all the physically strenuous activities we would have to go through during Special Warfare Indoctrination and Training and their “secret” to how to make it through. The truth is, so much of what drives us forward in being physically fit is going to be our mental grit. The day we want to stay home from the gym. The day we want a cheeseburger instead of a salad. The time where we want to give up in class and say “this whole fitness thing isn’t working”. Mental grit is being able to overcome those things. And at Dane’s I hear this attitude all the time, “well, I wanted to stay home, but I had to battle that and am here at the 5:30 class”. That’s impressive. And to have a community that wants to propel you forward by setting the example is something I can rally around. It was the same in the military. If you didn’t do it all together, you all fell apart.

Ben full

We see you as a leader in class and around the DBS community. What vision do you have for your future at DBS and among our community?

Ha, that’s very humbling and I feel unworthy to be called that, but thank you. I like to view myself as more of a servant and encourager. I want people to know they can make it through the grueling challenges and that I believe in them even when they don’t. It’s incredible to see how far men and women will go an extra mile with just a little support. As far as future, I’m moving south so I’m excited about the possibility of the South facility! I’d love to see new people joining our community, going from out-of-shape to fit, and continuing to destroy at competitions like AFM’s Fittest!

You are now working for HeartSupport, tell us a little bit more about that company and what they do?

HeartSupport is a nonprofit started by Jake Luhrs, the lead singer of renowned metal band August Burns Red. He started it as a way to reach the numerous teenagers and adults that were coming up to him after shows talking about their struggles and addictions and as a way for them to find help. We deal a lot in counseling for any and everyone, whether it’s depression, drug or alcohol dependency, suicidal ideation, relationship issues, sexual abuse, cutting… the list goes on. At Heartsupport, we drop the false pretense and embrace authenticity and the healing it comes with. And when we do, we find encouragement and spiritual strengthening. We’re all Christians and build on a foundation of faith for healing, but half of our audience is not and we welcome everyone from all walks of spiritual beliefs as we just want to love them and do life with them.

You have done the Paleo 30 day challenge and when you are injured you try to stay pretty strict Paleo. Explain to us a little more about what that entails and the results you have seen from going Paleo.

The diet entails basically eating non-processed protein, veggies, and fruit, as well as essential fats from nuts. It doesn’t restrict you on the amount you can eat, but what foods you can eat. Avoiding gluten is HUGE in the paleo diet, and I’ve really seen results from that. I first got into it when a friend introduced me through CrossFit. At first I thought it was just another hot diet fad… until I tried it. I used to get sinus infections all the time and was sick quite a few times a year, but that’s because I also really didn’t watch what I ate. To be honest, when I don’t eat Paleo, I feel like trash these days. My body honestly feels better and I’m able to perform at higher levels in the gym and have more energy. An added benefit is it will absolutely SHRED your body quickly as well. I used to take supplements all the time. These days I just eat clean and stick to it because of how great I feel.

What advice would you give any new member just joining DBS?

Start small. Small steps make the biggest changes. If you can make it to the gym twice a week, do that and build from there. If you hate working out, commit to at least twice a week and track your results on paper (NOT MENTALLY). Once you see the change it has on your health, well-being, mood, and athleticism you’ll slowly begin to grow from there and make incredible gains. Going back to that idea of mental grit, if you can overcome the obstacle of “you” then the body will respond in kind. ♦

To become a member of the DBS community, register for your first class here!

Sept Fusion Athletes: Sarah and Lauren Van Ert

You’ve probably seen Sarah and Lauren Van Ert from our daily strength and fusion classes. They really dig in to the workouts and have a great time doing it! Since they have such a positive attitude, in addition to their outstanding drive throughout each class, we are happy to name them our Fusion Athletes of the Month! As you know, a community is only as good as its members, and Sarah and Lauren are definitely a strong component of the DBS family. Congratulations! We asked them a few questions about their experience with the Shop and how being identical twins has influenced their approach to life and fitness.

How long have you been working out at DBS? How did you find us?

Lauren: We have been working out at Dane’s since December 2012. We actually found out about the Shop online. We were researching gyms to join in Austin, and DBS really stood out to us as a great fit. After trying out the first class, we were excited to continue to grow with the Shop! Sarah: We started because my boyfriend, who also

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works out at the Shop, was involved in Crossfit in school in San Marcos and loved it. After lots of research, Lauren and I tried out Veronica’s 7:30 class and loved it. Although, eating dinner before the workout wasn’t the best idea we ever had…

Is it easy to be motivated to come when your sister will be there or in the next class?

  Lauren: Oh, yes. Anyone who has worked out with us may know we are a little competitive! If Sarah is able to lift a certain amount of weight, complete X amount of AMRAPs, or run a certain distance, you bet I am going to do it, also! I think that ultimately this helps us improve and continue to stay motivated. Sarah: Ditto to what Lauren said! We are around the same level at most exercises, so we keep each other motivated through competition and encouragement. There are definitely fewer lazy days when you have a twin to keep you motivated!

What are you the most competitive about?

Lauren: Being identical twins, we’re compared to each other on a daily basis. While this has definitely been difficult at times, I also find that a certain level of competitiveness does help us — in moderation! We are the most competitive about working out and eating healthy to a certain extent. We’re both pretty competitive. Sarah: Twins grow up spending their lives being compared, so we are a naturally competitive. Going to different colleges definitely helped us grow into separate people, and we are more supportive of each other today than we have been in the past. The problem we encounter as twins is that since other people compare us, we compare ourselves a lot, and that can be unhealthy. So it’s a cyclical process of sorts, and I feel we are doing better now that we both are getting fit and healthy at the Shop!

You often attend the Fusion n’ Go with coach Dunte, what do you love about this class?

Lauren:I love the energy in this class! Dunte knows how to keep athletes in his classes motivated, engaged, and going! Despite being a “shorter” workout, this workout is no joke. Sarah:I love the quick pace of the workouts, even though I may say differently during the class. I feel that the quick pace helps a lot with my stamina during cardio weeks, and has improved my explosiveness in running and box jumps. Dunte is just a fun guy to workout with. He’s so positive and encouraging!

What is the biggest difference you have seen since coming to DBS?

Lauren: Gaining an understanding of and appreciation for what being healthy and proactive means for my life has been transformative. My energy levels have gone way up, and I feel very satisfied, accomplished, and happy with the changes I have made and how they have impacted other areas of my life as well. Sarah: I used to really struggle finding a balance with work and going to the gym, since I was exhausted after a long day at the office. With Dane’s, I feel that the workouts actually give me more energy, and I have an excitement about going to the gym that I haven’t experienced since my high school sports days.

What is your favorite movement and your least favorite movement?

Lauren: My favorite movement are KB swings and deadlifts. My least favorite is running — something I am trying to work on! Sarah: I love box jumps and KB swings. My least favorite movement is lunges, hands down!

When you think of DBS and your future, what goals do you have for yourself and for the Shop?

Lauren: My goal is to continue to be a DBS regular! I try to make classes 4 times a week. Honestly, I can’t see myself ever not being at Dane’s! My current goal is to improve on my running. Sarah: My goal is to continue to make four Dane’s workouts each week! Lauren and I are working on improving our running endurance both inside and outside of the shop, and try to run the greenbelt by our apartment on weekends. I also want to continue to improve my Olympic lifts, both in form and in weight.

Become a part of our vibrant fitness community here!

Take a moment to breathe

by Juliana Sciaraffa For many, the Shop is a place of hard work, but also a place where we come to unwind from the day, a place to stop and breathe. But Here is the catch: Often, we forget to breathe. Breathing is an integral part of our training at the Shop, and imperative during every single strength training, metabolic conditioning, running, yoga or kickboxing class we push ourselves through. Very simply, it delivers vital oxygen to our bloodstream, which is then carried to our muscles and organs and helps us perform all of the work we are asking our body to do. Likewise, proper breathing will help brace the load and maintain lumbar stability during heavier lifts, allow the body to properly prepare and receive a strong kick, or relax into a deeper yoga pose. So, why do we find ourselves forgetting to breathe? Frankly, because we are often so focused on the physical task in front of us that we simply forget. It takes practice to learn

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how to breathe correctly for each of the techniques we perform. If you’re wondering when you should be focusing on your breathing, here are some examples of proper breathing during a workout: Bench press: Exhale slowly and continuously while pressing the bar, then inhale at the top of the lift or on the return. Running: While there’s no absolute rule, many runners find it most comfortable to take two steps while breathing in, and two steps while breathing out. Kickboxing: Stay relaxed and exhale with each punch — build a rhythm to your breath and technique and increase the amount of power behind your punches. The golden rule, then, is “Stop holding your breath!” and listen to the insight your coaches share about when and how to breathe. Even though it seems simple, we should pay as much attention to the breaths that we take as to the actual technique, because, whether we remember this or not, breathing is technique. And we should always ask for clarification or guidance on any move that may be unclear. When you are finished with your day’s work, remember to take a moment to breathe and reflect on the previous hour and your accomplishments. Let’s take a breathe together one time for good measure: Breathe in… now, breathe out.   Breathe through your kicks and punches with Juliana during KO Fusion, Thursday nights and every other Sunday morning, at the Shop. Details here.


by Dunte Hector

“Students will rise to the level of expectation.”

Dan John, while coaching high school football players, observed that by simply expecting his students to bench press and front squat 200 pounds, more of them attained that standard. Schoolteachers with high behavior standards of their students have observed for years that their students are, in fact, better behaved than other students and tend to perform better academically as well.

I think I’ll get to the point early this week: Have some standards, folks!

Ah, yes, and then the question comes up of “how high” to set those standards?

Well, I hold my clients to these levels of strength:

– MEN –
Back squat: 2x bodyweight
Bench press: 1.5x bodyweight
Strict press: 1x bodyweight
Pull-ups: 10 reps
Plank: 1 minute

Back squat: 1.5x bodyweight
Bench press: 0.75x bodyweight
Strict press: 0.5x bodyweight
Pull-ups: 5 reps
Plank: 1 minute

If you’re looking at this list and laughing because you can do all of them, be careful to assess your goals — unless you are a strength athlete, strength is probably not your priority anymore. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with striving for more.

And if you’re looking at this list and shuddering because you can’t do any of them, remember that this is my ultimate expectation of you, not my assumption of your current strength level. My role as a coach is to guide you to these levels with appropriate programming, generous encouragement, and honest assessments.

During strength weeks, with all that time under the barbell, it can be tempting to ask, “What’s a good weight?” Frankly, good is the numbers above.

But my favorite thing to see is progress. A great weight in training is one that brings you a step closer to those standards above. The excitement around your PRs is related to this – taking one more step, however small, toward a “good weight.”

Additionally, my clients are held to these standards of nutrition:

1. No liquid calories
2. Protein at every meal and snack
3. Eat more – more protein, more fat, more fruits, more veggies
4. Eat less – less snacking on chips, pastries, cereals, other crap

And I hold my clients to these standards of quality training:

1. Drink a gallon of water each day
2. Keep a training journal
3. Lift the heaviest weight you can safely handle in good form

Every day, every workout, take care that you are living up to those three standards of quality training. They are essential to success with the five standards of strength.

Every day, take care that you are living up to those four standards of nutrition. They are essential to successfully managing your body fat and improving your performance.

So have some standards. Feel welcome to set your own — to adjust mine up or down to your own preference. But when deciding to settle for less than what I’ve listed above, remember that the student will rise to the level of expectation.

If you’re uncertain how to attain the standards I’ve set for you, don’t just put a low cap on how high you can rise; bring me your questions, your concerns, and your goals and we’ll find the plan to get you there.

I frequently remind my private clients to “Get Strong, Eat Clean, Live Well.” You know exactly how strong to I expect you to become, how clean I expect you to eat, and how well I expect you to train.

Now rise.

August Fusion Athletes: Octavio Ulloa & Janell Fondry

You know her from class, working hard, smiling, and bustin’ some dances moves. And you’ve probably seen him in Fusion, Strength, and Run Group churning out reps and getting stronger everyday. They are Janell Fondry and Octavio Ulloa, the DBS August Fusion Athletes!

Our Fusion Athletes of the Month demonstrate strength, commitment, and community through their enthusiasm for health and fitness. Janell and Octavio represent what we love about our community.

We asked them about their experience at the Shop, some goals, accomplishments, and the future!

Congratulations, Janell and Octavio, and keep up the great work!

What brought you to Dane’s Body Shop?

Octavio: I drove by several times and decided to call one day and find out how it works. This person I spoke to spent a lot of time describing each class, the vibe of the shop, and the payment system. They were extremely nice and helpful which was a really good sign and they made me feel like I wasn’t joining a cult and just another “gym” which excited me. Before hanging up I asked for their name and it turned out to be Dane. That was all I needed. I showed up the next morning. Any person, especially an owner, that takes that much time to make you feel welcome is what made me think this was a different kind of place.

Janell: I had seen DBS as a twinkle on Dane’s Facebook page way back in the day when he had started workouts in the park.  After he opened the Shop, I made a couple trips to Austin from Dallas and made sure to give DBS a try.  When I moved to Austin in spring of 2012, I told Dane he was going to get another member!


What are your biggest goals or accomplishments at the Shop?

Octavio: Losing weight and regaining a sense of what health means to me has been transforming. Shaving minutes off my mile pace and getting stronger at the same time has  also been great. At the moment, I’m training to PR on a half marathon in October.

Janell: I really only try for one goal: To get in there 4-5 times per week.  I have accomplished it multiple times, but there have been times I’ve had trouble getting there four or five times per month!!  For the upcoming year, I’m hoping to keep that 4 times/week average throughout the year — no dropping off!!

What are you favorite and least favorite movements?

Octavio: I’m really starting to love the clean. There’s just something about the movement that makes you feel powerful and engaged. My least favorite is probably toes to bar, more because I can’t do it very well, but I’m practicing, so I hope to get better.

Janell: Chest presses are my favorite.  Running and burpees tie for my least favorite.


Janell, you are always smiling, singing, and dancing around the Shop. You bring such great energy to the workouts! How do you keep your spirit up during the week?

This is my fun time,  like recess.  I have a very consuming job and going to the Shop is sometimes the most fun I have all day!!


Octavio, you’ve recently started helping coach the run groups with Brian, and it’s really starting to take off! Tell us more about the group and why someone who doesn’t normally run (or runs all the time) should join.

The run group offers a mix of speed and hill interval training and also a longer run on the weekends. We meet for speed/hill intervals on Tuesday and Wednesday night and longer runs on Saturday. It’s open to all, and we have different options depending on your running experience and background. Brian and I try to build workouts that will improve your speed and endurance so you can confidently prepare for a race or just increase your overall health. I’ve heard people say they hate running, and that’s fine. Running may not be your cup of tea and you may never have any desire to run a marathon. No problem. But if you are struggling in the fusion or hybrid classes when you run a 200 or a 400, that is something that you can improve on, just like any other movement or exercise at the shop. The DBS Run Group offers a welcoming, non judgmental, no ego environment where anyone can get encouragement to be whatever kind of runner you want to be. I think running is one of the greatest sports because you don’t need anything but a pair of shoes to do it. You can be anywhere in the world and just go. Plus its an amazing way to see a place in a completely different light.


What do you see for DBS in 2 years?

Octavio: I can see DBS having several shops in town. As far as I can se,e there seems to be and endless amount of interest from the community. I think within two years DBS could be hosting and sponsoring competitions like AFM or Crossfit. What I would love to see is the run group as one of the normal classes offered in the shop, just like fusion, hybrid,or strength. I would be proud to play any part in that.

Janell: As DBS grows, my hope is the community of members maintains its closeness.  I’m happy to hear about expansion, and hope that gives the crew an opportunity to add new programming to continue to foster an environment that encourages a healthy lifestyle!

Click here to be a part of the Dane’s Body Shop community!