Fusion Programming 3/30


WU: 2rds
6x BB Back Squats
8x Reverse Lunge w/BB
4x S.L. RDL w/BB R/L
15 sec breath Instep Hold R/L
15 sec Calf Stretch R/L

1 rd – (about 4 min)
Foam Roll Hip/Glute/Lat

4rds – Strength 1
5x Back Squat (45,55,60,70%)

3rds – Strength 2
Rd 1: 10 / 6 / 4 (light-heavy) Floor Press
Rd 2: 4 / 6 / 10 (hvy-light) Floor Press
Rd 3: 4 / 6 / Burnout – Floor Press
15x Anchored Leg Raise after each round

4rds – Fast
8x Ball/SB/Rope Slams
8x Prisoner Get Ups
100m Run

Fusion: 2rds
4x 4-point toe tap (R/L)
10x Superman Reach back
30sec Pigeon Sweep (R/L)


WU 2rds
20x Crunch
20x Bridge Lift
10x Hip Swivel
30 sec Plank w/ shoulder retractions
15 sec Calf Stretch w/ knee mobilization R/L

5×5 Front Squats
35-65% 1RM
Foam Roll as needed

AMRAP [6 min]
6x Atomic Push Ups / or Atomic Thrusters
6x DB Hang M. Clean to Press

AMRAP [6 min]
8x Alternating MB twist throw against wall
4x 5m shuffle n touch

Fusion: 2rds
5 breath Leg Kick Through Hold (R/L)
5 breath Plow
Standing Figure 4 to Fold (R/L)


WU: easy 500m on the rower, if members arrive early enough
8x (front hanging) KB Good Mornings
8x KB Sumo DL High-Pull (slight hinge)
4x 5 meter slow Side Shuffle
100m Run

2rds Prep
8x super light Deadlift
Hip Stretch (various)

Deadlift [25min CAP] user’s choice
5x @ 45% GOAL WEIGHT
5x @ 60%
2-3x @ 65-75%
2 @ 80%
2 @ 85%
*(Hip Stretch after 1st, 2nd, 3rd sets, Foam roll if needed)

4rds Fast
8x KB Row R/L
8x Swing R/L
8x Floor Press R/L
8x Bridge Lift R/L
30x St Leg Crunch

Finish w/ Block Run

Fusion: 2rds
5 breath Cat/Cow
10 breath Pigeon Stretch R/L
10 breath Couch Stretch R/L


WU: 2rds
8x PVC Leg Shave to High Pull
10x KB front-hanging Good Mornings
4x Cossack Squats R/L
50x Single Unders

1rd [5 min] – set BBs up for PC first
→ Foam roll Lats / Glutes / Shoulders
→ 30s Banded Lat Stretch R/L

8x Super-Light *Muscle Cleans
6x Light + Pow
4x Moderate Power Cleans
2x Heavy-ish PC (this to prep body for HAP)
3x HAP
Rest As needed:
→ 30sec-1min Wrist and Shoulder Stretches

Quick HIIT #1
10x Burpees
8x Jump Squats (emphasis on soft landing)
6x Alternating Single arm Muscle Snatch (alternating total, bring DB to ground, then switch)

Quick HIIT #2
10x Plank Row @ 15% bodyweight
10x Atomic Thruster
60x Single Unders

Fusion: 2rds
5x Drinking Bird to Hallelujah (3 point touch & reach)
Vinyasa to 5 breath pigeon R/L
10x Sit up to Fold


WU: 2rds
5x KB Single Arm Power Clean to Press R/L
10x Supermans
5x PVC Push Press
50x TALL Single Unders

Rep Practice [8min]
8x Push Press
8x BB Sprawl Jump overs
8x Sit-Ups

5×5 Bench Press (Floor, if needed)
25-70% goal weight

Quick HIIT
5x Pull Ups
6x Sprawl Jump Tuck
12x SUT w Partner total
Roundabout Run w Med Ball switch w partner halfway

Fusion: 2rds
2x 3 cone balance drill R/L or 5x SL DL R/L
30 sec Couch Stretch. R/L

Strength At Home Program

Notes: some of the movements might me unfamiliar take the time to watch the videos work on perfecting each movement. Ensure that each movement is done in a controlled manner; think 2 – 3 seconds lowering. 

NO. 1

Flexibility 10 – 30 minutes of stretching 6 – 12 exercises held 2 – 4 times for 10 – 30 seconds. 

Choose 6 – 12: Figure 4, Hamstring, Standing Hip Flexor, Couch Stretch, Lat, Posterior Shoulder, Gastroc, Soleus, Door Stretch, Pec Minor Stretch, Adductors, Traps

Abdominals 4rds

Bird Dog, 2s pause – 4 x 5 ea., pair with 

Side Plank Hip Touch – 4 x 10 ea., pair with

Dead Bugs – 4 x 10 ea., rest 30s repeat


RDLs w/ DB or Barbell – 4 x 6 – 8 @3 – 4 RIR, pair with 

Single Leg Glute Bridge – 4 x 8 – 10, rest 30 – 60s 


Peterson Step-Up, unweighted (use curb) – 3 x 10 – 12, rest 15s 


Side-Lying Horizontal Abduction aka Powell Raise, 2s pause – 3 x 15 – 17 @ 1 – 5lbs., pair with 

Tall Plank Walk Out – 3 x 5 – 8, rest 30s

Notes: @3 – 4 RIR means find a weight you can use that will allows you to complete the prescribed number of reps and leave 3 – 4 reps in the tank ie., 4 x 6 – 8 with a weight you could do 11 – 12 reps with if asked. All reps are for each side not to be divided in half ie., lunges 1 x 12 means 12 each leg, not 6 each leg. 

NO. 2

Flexibility same as above

Abdominals 4rds

Mountain Climbers – 4 x 10, pair with 

Side Plank – 4 x 30s, pair with 

Reverse Crunch – 4 x 10, rest 30s 


Goblet Lateral Split Squat – 4 x 8 – 10 @4 – 5 RIR, or 4 x 20 if unweighted, pair with

Hip Airplane – 4 x 3 – 5, rest 30s 


Option 1: Single Arm Tall Kneeling Overhead Press – 4 x 8 – 10 @4 – 5 RIR, rest 30s 

Option 2: Tall Kneeling Landmine Press – same as above

Tertiary T

Option 1: Single Leg RDL – 4 x 12 – 15, rest 30s 

Option 2: Landmine Single Leg RDL – same as above

NO. 3

Flexibility same as above


Walking Bear – 4 x 10m, pair with 

Unsupported Leg Lowering – 4 x 8 – 10, pair with 

Mountain Climber ISO, 2s holds – 4 x 6 – 8, rest 30s 

Primary U

Push-Ups or Reduced Range of Motion (ROM) Push-Ups – 4 x as many as possible, rest 30s 

Secondary T

Turkish Get-Up – 4 x 5, rest 30s 

Tertiary L

Reverse Lunge to Single-Leg Support – 4 x 8 – 10 @3 – 4 RIR

Note: Reduced range of motion means normal pushup but aim for a target that allows for a few inches of movement as that gets easier to increase the range of motion. 

NO. 4 Optional 

Flexibility 30 – 90 minutes of stretching 8 – 20 exercises held 3 – 6 times for 10 seconds – 10 minutes

Choose 8 – 20: Figure 4, Hamstring, Standing Hip Flexor, Couch Stretch, Lat, Posterior Shoulder, Gastroc, Soleus, Door Stretch, Pec Minor Stretch, Adductors, Traps → get creative try different Yoga Poses (Contact Bean!!!) 

Quarantined Home Workouts: March 23-27


WU: 10min

  • 10x Plank Jax
  • 5x Push Ups
  • 10x Scorpions
  • 100m jog

AMRAP 10min:

  • 10x Floor Press @ 15-20% bw (each hand)
  • 10x Sit Ups
  • 10x Squat Jumps


  • 12x Alternating S.A. Swings (total)
  • 4x Tukish Get-Ups (total) (heavy but doable)
  • 6x Single Arm KB/DB Clean R/L (15-20% bw)
  • 10x Plank Twist (total)

Fusion 2rds

  • 10x Supine Floor Angels
  • 5 BREATH Chest Opener
  • Child’s Pose TTN



WU: 8min

  • 8x PVC back squat 
  • 12x KB swings 
  • 20x Lateral Line jumps
  • 20x Front to back Line Jumps
  • 4x Slow Squat to Fold

Back Squat 20 min

  • 10x light
  • 8x Moderate*
  • 5x Moderate +* 60%
  • 5x Heavy 70%
  • 5x Heavy +

*(Foam roll if needed) 

10x Alternating Toe Touches btw rds 

Met Con


  • 10x total Walking Wtd Lunges (heavy but doable)
  • 8x T2B / 12x Seated Knee Tucks
  • 10x Wall Shots
  • 10x Alternating DB Snatch (alternating total)

Fusion: 2rds

  • Vinyasa to high lunge R/L
  • 8x Scorpions
  • 10 breath Pigeon Stretch RL



WU: 10min

  • 8x KB Good mornings 
  • 8x S.A. Row R/L
  • 8x Sprawls
  • 100m Jog

Strength Conditioning: Pendlay Row 

(Strict Row! Ground to Chest back to Ground)


  • 8x Pendley Row (35-95# reco.)
  • 8x DB Side Raises btw Rds



  • 8x Wall Ball
  • 8x Burpees
  • 200m Run


Plank DB Row (Alternating)

Fusion: 2rds

  • 10x Alt Supermans
  • 10x Side Lying Openers R/L
  • 30 sec Kneeling Adductor L/R



6 min Active/Dynamic Stretching

Walking Quad Stretch, Knee Hug, S.L. Hamstring Stretch, Side Lunges, etc.

WU: 8min

  • 4x PVC or Empty BB Triple Extensions w/ shrug
  • 4x PVC or Empty BB Scarecrow
  • 8x Scorpions
  • 50x Single unders, 15sec Jog in place

*Practice muscle cleans w/BB before starting:

8min AMRAP

  • 5x Hang P.Cleans @ 45-60%
  • 100m Run, jog in place

15 min Conditioning Work

  • 25x KB Swings 
  • 200m Run
  • 8x SUMO DL High Pull
  • 100m Run

Fusion: 2 rds

  • 4x Windmills R/L
  • 30x Toe Touch Crunch 
  • 20x 90/90s



WU: 10min

  • 5x Single Arm Kneeling DB Press R/L
  • 5x Wide PU to DD
  • 5x Butterfly Sit Ups
  • 50 single unders

**Reverse Wrist Rocks when all rounds are complete

Push Press [20 min CAP]

  • 8x Light
  • 6x Light +
  • 5x Mod / 60%
  • 5x Mod / 60%
  • 3-5x Mod / 60% +
  • 3-5x Mod / 60% +

**Wrist rocks btw sets, Foam roll lats/shoulders, if desire

** Move around and listen to the body. Address what’s tight

Met Con: 21-15-9

  • Chin Ups
  • Burpees
  • Slamball Slams / Rope Slams / 

→ Finish the workout with Block Run

Fusion 2rds

  • Supine Twist w/ 8x Floor Angels R/L
  • 6x Instep to Hammy Stretch R/L
  • 4x Vinyasa

Donna Kuehl—Manor BAM—Spring 2019

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Donna to discuss her previous workout history, what led her to joining The Shop, and eventually becoming our choice for Spring BodyShop Athlete at our Manor Shop. In my opinion, Donna is a very humble and down to earth person. If you have ever shared a class with her then you know she would much prefer talking about you than about herself. She is sweet and genuine, hard working, and she represents a lovely part of our community! We are pleased to have her as a member, and so excited she became our Spring BA at Manor. However brief, this interview shares a bit about her. Please enjoy.

M: What brought you to Austin?
D: I moved to Austin with my son who is getting a Phd at UT. I also moved from the Northeast to get away from the long winters!

M: Why did you choose to get into fitness?
D: I have always been into fitness. An important part of my life.

M: What do you value about the classes you take at the Shop?
D: I like to attend Fusion and Sunday’s Wonder Women classes at Manor. I found that if I needed to motivate myself to exercise, I was not as successful – The class atmosphere at the Shop helps!

M: How does fitness fit in with your larger life?
D: The classes at the shop push me to challenge my limits. I have found I can do a lot more than I thought I could.

M: Do you have any specific fitness goals you’d like to share with us?
D: I plan to always get regular exercise. I feel it’s the only way I’ll continue to feel good physically. I want to be as mobile as possible, as long as possible.

M: Have you noticed any changes, physically or mentally, since starting at the Shop?
D: Dane’s Body Shop has definitely helped me get in much better shape than before thanks to the extra motivation.

M: How long ago did you move to Austin and where were you living before?
D: I moved to Austin in July of 2017 from Binghamton, New York.

M: Have there been any significant accomplishments you’ve had since attending the Shop? Any goals you’ve hit or plan to hit someday?
D: Since I started at Dane’s I’ve lost a little weight, but definitely have lost inches! My clothes fit better and I feel fit! My goal is to maintain if not improve my level of fitness.

M: What do you do to stay mobile and active outside of The Shop?
D: Outside of classes at Dane’s, I enjoy riding my bike and hiking as often as I can.

Rachel Smith—Hyde Park BAM—Spring 2019

Your company, Pride Socks, has been so prevalent and inspirational to the Shop, and it means a lot to me that you include us as supporters and friends. For anyone that may not know, could you please tell us briefly about Pride Socks, the events you support, what it means to you and how you came about starting it?

Thank you Dane, you are too kind. Pride Socks is a lifestyle brand empowering individuals to take pride in who they are so they chase and accomplish their goals. Anyone can sell socks, but we sell socks that spread love, pride, respect and inclusion. When you feel that sense of pride in who you are, then we’ve succeeded.

We support any event that positively encouraging people to move forward in bettering who they are. We believe when you are proud of who you are and own your story, there is no stopping you. The world is yours. Of course it looks different for everyone. We’ve collaborated with Danes and hosted 4 fundraising concerts to benefit Ruby’s Rainbow (they provide scholarships to adults with Down syndrome to attend college) at the Manor shop and it literally is one of the best days of the year for me. We bring together the Austin, DBS, Ruby’s and Pride Socks community to help bring awareness and funds to Ruby’s Rainbow. I mean, seriously, how can you not fall in love with this community?!

Our latest addition to Pride Socks, is Custom For A Cause. It is where we collaborate with an individual and together we design a unique sock with proceeds going to their chosen nonprofit. So far we’ve worked with Sky Brown, youngest pro skateboarder from Japan, Ruby from Ruby’s Rainbow, and our latest, Jason Collins- first NBA player to come out as gay 6 years ago while actively playing. You can see all three here. Click on any of the videos on that link- you will fall in love!

Pride Socks has been around for 9 years- soo crazy!! It all started when my brother challenged me after me asking him if I could do sales for him at his sock business. At the time I was teaching special ed high school and after he challenged me, I knew it was on. I also knew I would eventually quit teaching but wanted to make sure I created a brand that had a global positive influence. After looking back on my life and piecing together my greatest influences, Pride Socks was born. Maybe it was the Deaf culture I was raised in, being incredibly poor growing up, receiving a card from my coach as a teenager, teaching special ed for 12 years or knowing what it takes to rise above? Maybe it was all of these influences that needed to come together to motivate me to build PrideSocks.


Things to know about our friend, Rachel Smith:

When I think of Rachel, I think of her smile, her wonderful energy, and that enduringly great attitude. Rarely, if ever, over the past several years, have I seen you truly in the dumps. Do you have any advice for our readers about staying so positive in front of others? Wow Dane that’s one of the best compliments I’ve ever received, thank you! I think in general for me, when I work out it naturally works out whatever negative energy I may be harboring. I believe that most of the energy we hold is the perspective we have on life. Life will not always be beautiful but when you realize something positive will always come out of every situation, it makes life easier. My best advice is: know that we will all make mistakes but once you realize there is a life lesson to be learned, which will help you grow as a person, it makes those mistakes or bumps or set backs, so much easier to deal with when you allow yourself to grow as person.


What do you think is the weirdest thing about you? (Please stay as close to PG as possible, if you will 🙂

Come on Dane, you know thats not a fair question! Well, ok the weirdest thing is I like to make noises/calls to let people know I am around or done with my workout or to encourage others. I was raised by Deaf parents and there were 5 kids. Our house was a zoo with lots of noises so it comes natural for me but takes a minute for others to realize whats going on!!! Just know, you know when I am around!


What type of workout/fitness is your favorite and why?

I LOVE any workout that deals with running, cardio, and stamina week. I love them because I can dip into my own head and go at my own pace. Those workouts require endurance, which I feel like I was gifted with so I walk away feeling like I moved mountains.


What classes do you take at the Shop and what do you value about them?

Well, let’s be honest, I love my 5 am warrior class which is the one I mostly attend. I occasionally do the Sat am class. I value the friendships and the sense of community we’ve bonded at 5am! I mean, I am still friends with 5 amers who have come and gone and its been years- there is just something about working out that early that creates the bond that I thrive off. If someone hasn’t come for a few days or a week, you can guarantee someone is checking up on them. Oh and let’s not forget the 5am Christmas party we host every year!


Do you have any specific fitness goals or thoughts you’d like to share with us?

My fitness goals change through out the year. I do a ton of travel June-August so my goals are to maintain any kind of fitness. Mostly to find a sense of balance in the changes of my schedule. When I am not traveling, I like to work out 4-5 times a week.


Have you noticed any changes, physically or mentally, since starting at the Shop?

I’ve been coming to the shop about a year after it opened so I’ve seen a lot of changes amongst myself. Becoming a member has been the best change for me, both physically and mentally.


Any favorite moments you can remember since you’ve been part of the Shop Community?

Yes, I have many moments that are my favorite. I mean, The shop has been a part of my life for the last 8.5 years. Thats a pretty tight relationship we have! What overrides any one of the moments, is the collective time spent getting to know people, knowing there is a community built around bettering who we are, and being able to count on any coach or athlete if need be. An example of this is Beth asking us the same questions on Monday and Wednesday, Stormie’s bright smile on Tues and Thursdays and Dane’s infamous dad jokes on Friday!!

Robert Blaser—Hyde Park BAM—Winter 2018

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Robert Blaser – our Hyde Park, Winter Body Shop Athlete – after a midday class. We’ve gladly chosen Robert because of his support and encouragement of others in our classes, his effort toward his personal goals, and the unflinching leadership in the #DaneOnAShelf instagram farce – Thank you dearly for that, again, Robert.. Let’s hear what you have to say!

D: What brought you to Austin?

RB: I work in medical devices, and Austin is growing in that area. But, Austin is also awesome – The only place that will accept me, because I’m weird.


D: What do you think is the weirdest thing about you? (Please stay as close to PG as possible, if you will 🙂

RB: I like to make a beverage fortress around my breakfast with a variety of different drink options to protect it.


D: Why did you choose to get into fitness?

RB: I’ve always been involved in athletics, but when I was in the Navy, I viewed it as a means of survival. Now as a civilian, survival is staying healthy, both mentally and physically. My goal is to delay the aging process by staying in shape. My experience at work, in the medical field, is a motivator, as well.


D: What do you value about the classes you take at the Shop?

RB: The classes allow me to push myself to my limits. The class design allows you to do that, without feeling pressured to always keep up with others around you. The community is terrific too – I love the camaraderie. The people next to me, pushing themselves, motivates me to be the best I can be.

D: Do you have any specific fitness goals you’d like to share with us?

RB: I want to keep training and bettering my endurance, adding Spartan Races here and there and other adventure races. Continuing to challenge myself in the Shop events, classes, and community gains helps me do that.


D: Have you noticed any changes, physically or mentally, since starting at the Shop?

RB: Physically, I’ve gotten stronger because of the technique training the coaches offer. I can rehab through injuries from a race, or adjust due to muscle soreness, because of the awesome coaching and help they offer. I have become less competitive outside my personal goals, because the Shop isn’t about beating everyone around us, but getting us all there, to that healthy lifestyle.


D: Any favorite moments at the Shop?

RB: Field Day, community fitness events … mini-meets. Love them all!


D: What do you like to do when you’re not working out?

RB: I do like a little alone time. Solitude, if you will. Being in my own world for a bit to read, watch Liverpool soccer etc. Also, I find time for my personal self-improvement in these moments alone.


D: Have you developed any special relationships at the Shop?

RB: By jumping around between the two Shop locations, I get to see how everyone’s doing. It allows me to engage with the community and get out of my comfort zone for a bit. This community of coaches and members is great for that. Everyone should try it, if interested.

I did want to thank you, Dane and staff, for recognizing my efforts and improvement in classes. Mainly because my wife can’t mess with me anymore about her being a Body Shop Athlete choice several months ago.


Sam Wilson—Manor BAM—Spring 2019

*Featured on left alongside fellow member, Marcus Motill

I had the pleasure of sitting down with the Manor seasonal body shop and my dodgeball team captain, Sam Wilson. If you’ve had Sam in a class before you know that he is a member who constantly pushes himself to the limit as well as those around. He’s energetic and competitive yet friendly and genuine. Sam is a great representation of the type of athlete and person we loving having around The Shop.

What brought you to austin?
Very typically, I fell in love with the city when I visited back in 2007. It wasn’t until 2014 that my wife and I decided we wanted to flee Pittsburgh for warmer weather.

What do you think is the weirdest about you?
Probably that I have a pet monkey named Chauncey.

Why did you choose to get into fitness?
After packing around a very big baby boy… like getting him in and out of the car seat…my back got progressively worse until I was literally unable to get out of bed. I was in awful shape and I was only 31. I was extremely lucky to meet a total genius trainer in Jhonphilipp Yonan (not a misspelling, his first name is spelled exactly this way). Through patience and slow progression and Jhonphilipp’s absolute brilliance, I was physically a different beast within 6 months. I was never into athletics in school due to religious reasons, so I had no idea my limits nor what I was capable of. I can’t imagine falling off now, I’ll be doing this until I die.

What do you value about classes at the shop?
The community. And I count the trainers and owners as absolutely core to that.

Do you have any specific fitness goals?
My ultimate goal is to move as well as humanly possible. So for me, it’s getting leaner while staying strong.

Have you noticed any mental or physical changes since joining the shop?
Yes, many. My posterior chain is much stronger after adding barbells into my routine. Because those muscles are involved in everything, my overall strength is better and I’ve leaned out a lot. The challenge which is exciting is to stay agile and flexible which I recognize are two seperate challenges. Parkour and dodgeball have helped with that.

Any favorite moments at the shop?
Several. One of the first favorite moments is when Marcus and I broke a medball together. It was partner slams back and forth and it was like you started hearing it rip a little and then Marcus slams it and it popped. We’ve actually broken more than one medball together.

What do you like to do when you’re not working out?
I dabble in calligraphy, chess, programming and design.

Have you developed any special relationships at the shop?
For sure. I have at least two gym husbands at this point (dudes you constantly work out with). Several of my gym-mates play on a dodgeball squad I captain Wednesday nights.

Tell us about the dodgeball team and how it came about?
Hahaha. Many reasonably people think I’m nuts, but dodgeball is fucking fun. It’s also become a good litmus of my agility and strength. Most of the team now are from the Shop, and I love throwing together with everyone. My goal for us is to win the championship, and though we’re a new-ish team at this point, we are pretty beast out there.

Anything else you’d like to add?
Yeah. I lied about having a pet monkey above. And thanks for you time, I guess.

Nicole Johnson—Manor BAM—June 2018

When Nicole Johnson’s was chosen as June’s BAM it was obvious to me why, she’s consistent, friendly as can be, strong as hell, and totally embodies what we stand for at The Shop. After sitting down with her and discussing her journey and how she ended up at The Shop it’s obvious to me that all these great traits not only resonate at The Shop but all throughout her personal life as well.

Nicole was born in Dallas, Texas and moved to Austin at a very young age. HEr childhood was spent being involved in athletics as much as possible, she did tumbling, cheerleading, and was a very competitive swimmer. She swam competitively for 16 years and had olympic aspirations especially in the 500m freestyle, 200m IM, which were her two best races. Eventually tendonitis in her knees put a hold on her swimming career once she reached college but Nicole pivoted and turned her focus to a musical career.

At Texas State University Nicole formed a group called “On The Radar” that was a musical youth ministry program. She was the lead singer in the group and her and other members traveled all over the US performing and eventually got signed to a Christian Record label. During this time she was also pursuing her a major in Health Administration at Texas State. She recently decided to continue her education by enrolling in Physician Assistant school for Dermatology.

After she graduated from college her father got sick and she realized that in order to take care of him she had to get in better shape and began working with a personal trainer. Once she got a taste for working out she found that it gave her comfort and consistency in her day to day life. Since joining The Shop she has noticed her comptivie side come back out from her days of swimming. That competitive side has lead Nicole to push herself even outside of The Shop’s workouts as she tries to run a miles after most of her strength classes which results in her running 2-3 miles a week. This has helped her muscular endurance and she one of her goals is to “run a mile without dying and to continue to hit new PRs in every community gains.”

More than the workouts Nicole says that she loves The Shop’s community feel and all the friendships she has made here. She says the community feels like a second family to her and we are very happy to have her as part of our family.

James Breaux—Manor BAM—May 2018

The things we know:

He is quiet, very friendly to everyone he works out with, and possibly the Shop’s most shirtless member. Oh, and he might occasionally skip a workout to eat at Taco Mex down the street from Manor Shop.

What we want to know:

How did James end up at Dane’s and, more specifically, how did his impressive athletic background and friendliness shape him to be Manor’s BAM for May?

Being a very fast, lean, and explosive athlete growing up in Lafayette, Louisiana, laid the foundations for James’ fitness journey and accomplishments. He was a member of an impressive traveling Youth Soccer Team named the Blazers and also qualified for the Junior Olympics twice in the 200m & 400m Dash when he was 9 & 10.

James went on to attend college at The University of Louisiana at Lafayette where he would explore muscle-bulking in order to be more competitive on the school’s Ragin’ Cajuns Rugby team. He dedicated himself to putting on 20 pounds of muscle within a couple months in order to prepare for the intense physicality of the sport. Although he ended up playing Rugby for only one season, his obsession with lifting weights continued.

Putting aside his athletic talents, James started to let his “self-image” motivate his fitness goals, going to the gym and doing typical bodybuilding movements.

While attending college at UL Lafayette, James worked at a bike shop named Capitol Cyclery. Cycling had always been a hobby of his, but not until volunteering at a local triathlon did he have the revelation to take endurance training seriously. “During the race I kept seeing participants 60+ years old crushing it on the course. Then it hit me. Why do I need all this muscle? I’m not doing anything with it. It certainly won’t help me on the bike.” That’s when James’ athletic goals dramatically changed from doing bicep curls to swimming, biking, and running. James raced triathlons for 7 years, completing 2 half ironman triathlons and a full Ironman in 2015 (Ironman Texas ). That’s a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile run all in a day.

After living in various places in the United States, including New Orleans and Washington state, James moved from Louisiana to Austin to continue his career in Industrial Design, taking a job with Dell. He then moved on to LVL Technologies ( a wearable device company) where he has been working for the past 2 years as their designer. What lead him to Dane’s? His LVL office happens to be walking distance from the Manor Rd Shop and .

James has been a member at Dane’s for just over a year and, spoken like a true competitor, his favorite memories at the Shop, so far, are competing in the various Mini-Meets the Shop holds quarterly. The December Push/Pull Mini-Meet, in particular. He placed 4th in last December’s Push/Pull with a very impressive 420 pound Deadlift PR. After a more recent (in-class) pull of 450, he is hoping to pull 500 pounds (three times his body weight) by the end of the year. However, he has been dealing with a slight knee issue that has limited him to some degree.

He continues to be relatively strict with his diet. His personal secret to success: a low carb diet that he’s stuck with for over 8 years, attending Fusion and Strength Classes at least 4 times per week, and, yes, as we’ve suspected, a Taco-Mex taco here and there. He also bikes to and from work pretty much daily, a total of 18 miles, which he says puts him in a good mood and lets him continue to grow on his developed love of cycling.

James hopes to continue getting healthy at the Shop and improving all his lifts, especially his squats. He thinks Dane’s is the place to do that. If he were to describe Dane’s to someone who has never been before, he’d tell them it’s a group of “cool people working out, throwing lots of weight around with no fluff, it has some grit to it.” We think this is a great quote that actually sums James up pretty well: a cool, friendly dude who throws a lot of weight around and he has plenty of grit to him that has lead him to be successful throughout his life, as well as becoming this month’s Manor BAM.