The Community Gains Project Starts Today!

It’s wild how quickly 8-12 weeks can go by here at the Shop.  Time flies when you’re having fun, we know that’s true, and we’ve been having the time of our lives! So let’s put that hard work to the test and see how well you’ve all improved! That’s right, this means we’re embarking on another month of the Community Gains Project!

Some of you newer community members may not have experience Community Gains with us, so we asked Coach Dunte, a few questions to familiarize you with what’s about to go down over the next three weeks.


First, can you explain to any newcomers what the Community Gains Project is?

The Community Gains Project is the performance testing component of our programming at the Shop, where the skills practiced and lifts trained in the previous 8-12 weeks are assessed, covering both strength work and general conditioning. It is a 3-week phase in our training cycle, including work capacity days (conditioning), 1-rep max or 2-rep max testing days (strength), and “toughness” days (hybrid strength & conditioning). When our entire community meets or exceeds their previous collective performance, we commit time and resources to contributions to the greater Austin community.

So, say I’m a new member. Would I do okay?

Absolutely. CGP is about measuring your own improvements, and when you’re brand new to a lift or a style of training, every day is PR (personal record) day!

What are the goals for each week? What happens when they are met?

Goals are defined in total reps performed during conditioning testing and total load moved during strength testing. Toughness Tests are not measured, but you know when you’re getting better at them!

When the goals are met: 1) the coaches & membership celebrate together in a non-training setting; 2) DBS contributes time & coaching to local charities; 3) the community banks credits toward “Coaches Retaliation” workouts, where the coaches fight through Toughness workouts of their own.

And what if I’m better at the strength routines, but not so much with the conditioning? How would I benefit from CGP?

You get an insight into room for monster PRs! If you have a relatively weak area in your fitness, that is an opportunity to make huge overall progress. Additionally, CGP is about doing all you can do – and doing a bit better than before – so regardless where you’re beginning, you can make a contribution.

That sounds excellent! Is there a winner? If so, what do they get?

Ultimately, the winner is each athlete who exceeds a previous performance. Personal Records are the medals of CGP. Additionally, when the community as a whole succeeds during the three weeks of testing, every person in the extended DBS family–Including the Austin Children’s Shelter—benefits.
Thanks, Dunte!

Well, you heard the man! Lace up your sneakers and fill up your water bottles, Community Gains is back, and it’s time to hit some new PRs… for the community, for the children, and for yourselves.

And don’t forget! Saturday, February 22, we’re playing flag football with the kids from Austin Children’s Shelter! Meet us on the field on Avenue A and 41st to play some football!