March Fusion Athletes: Brittany Bell and Terryl Bronson

Brittany Bell and Terryl Bronson are the March Fusion Athletes of the Month! Congratulations!

We decide based on a number of factors. Fusion athletes have a great attitude, strong determination and drive, are helpful around The Shop, encouraging to others, and if candidates make great ambassadors of DBS outside The Shop. Brittany and Terryl meet this criteria without a doubt!

Brittany can be found in the evening classes dominating the workout the entire time. She continues to get stronger and faster, and there is no end in sight. Brittany also spreads the word about The Shop to her clients, helping the community grow further.

You may have heard a joke or two from Terryl at some point. Terryl is enthusiastic about every workout, even if that means powering through a mean set of burpees. He’s extremely friendly and sociable, and isn’t afraid to show off his mad dancing skills. He is the man behind the choreographed dance after the Holiday Challenge!

We asked Brittany and Terryl a few questions about their time at The Shop, their favorite workouts, and more…

How did you hear about Dane’s Body Shop and how long have you been a member?

Brittany: My husband is a firefighter down the street from he Shop, and he told me about it. That was about a little over a year and a half now, and I’ve been hooked ever since.

Terryl: I first heard of DBS through some team members at Whole Foods Market. This was back when you had the free classes on the plaza on Sundays. I started out there and then officially had my first workout at the shop on May 14th, 2012.


What was your workout regimen before joining DBS?

B: I was a perpetual elliptical user, and that was it. Never really got sore after my workouts, and now that’s something I need in my life: soreness.

T: I wasn’t doing too much before DBS. I was totally out of shape and a pack-to-two-pack-a-day smoker as of February 2011. I quit smoking after 17 years and started running and working out at [HUGE GYM CHAIN]. After a month at DBS, I canceled my [HUGE GYM CHAIN] membership. 

What has been the greatest change you have seen in your life since joining DBS?

B: My attitude. For the longest time, I think fear stopped me from doing anything physically challenging. Fear of what? I don’t even know.  Maybe that it would hurt? That I wouldn’t be good enough? Failing? Now when I work out, I look forward to being challenged and I’m not scared (well maybe a little scared), which has totally carried into my personal life. My husband, Buck, is my biggest fan, so with his encouragement and help from the DBS team, I feel like I’m completely empowered.

T: I would actually have to say two things. One is pull–ups. I could hardly do one unassisted pull-up when I started, so my strength has greatly improved. The other thing that has improved is my quality of life. I have met some wonderful people at DBS who have shown me you can actually have fun working out. I have made some true friends there that I look forward to seeing on Saturday mornings. To me, the Saturday workouts are an hour hanging out with my friends, cracking jokes, and seeing how each other is doing. In between that, we do burpees and go on crazy Leann runs. 😉

What sets DBS apart from other gyms?

B: Before when I went to [Dane’s], I would just truck away on the elliptical. At DBS, I’m motivated by other people to push myself. And the coaches are all so encouraging and helpful. There’s no drill sergeants in your face like some gyms’ personal trainers can be. There are people that actually coach you to do better.

T: I believe it’s the trainers that make DBS unique. I appreciate that all of you actually walk the talk and you are very supportive and patient for those that are new. I was very intimidated to come to the shop my first time. I was dead last in every round and started to feel embarrassed because I was the last one still trying to finish my push-ups and burpees. Leann was coaching my first class at the shop, and instead of moving on or making me feel bad that everyone was waiting, she started cheering me on and encouraging me, as did everyone else. That’s what makes it unique, and that’s the reason I came back for second workout. 


What major goal have you accomplished since you began working out at DBS?

B: Running 3 miles at a decent pace. I didn’t even do that when I played soccer in high school. I was the goal keeper so I always got out of the runs. 🙂

T: Major goal was completing the Tough Mudder last year. I wouldn’t have been prepared had it not been for the fusion program and the Beast Project.

What are three goals you have for the future?

B: To be able to do push ups consistently (no dropping to my knees), 5 pull ups (no resistance band), and to be able to keep up with my husband.

T: I’m still toying with the idea of becoming a Black Chip-N Dale. I’ll keep you posted.

If you could add anything to your DBS experience what would it be?

B: Be able to participate in the DBS extracurricular activities. I’m a hairdresser who always works on Saturdays and can’t ever do any of the fun stuff.

T: I wish you offered massage on site, or if Aaron would do acupuncture there at the shop. I think we would all benefit from that.

Tell us your favorite and least favorite movements.

B: Favorite: back squats. Least favorite: burpees

T: Favorite movement is pull-ups. I still hate burpees. I know you shouldn’t say hate, but if burpees were a man, I would punch him in the face. 

Do you have a certain diet regimen you follow that helps you in your performance?

B: My husband and I have been trying to stick to a pretty Paleo diet as of the last 6 months. Although, we do love trying new restaurants and fancy ourselves a cocktail (or 4). But I haven’t had allergies like I used to since giving up dairy, and I’ve dropped 3% body fat. I still have a ways to go but I’ve never had more energy!

T: I try to maintain a very healthy diet during the week. A lot of salads, kale, spinach, etc. I barely eat any dairy, and I take my omega 3’s


Sum up what DBS and the community means to you.

B: The camaraderie at the shop is awesome. It really feels like a community. No attitudes, no egos. Everyone is so nice and welcoming. And encouraging! Before, I used to see working out as an opportunity to fail, and now, the DBS team helps me to see every workout as an opportunity to get better.  I’m so grateful to be a part of the DBS community.

T: I truly enjoy being a part of DBS. I have fun every time I’m there, and I do feel it is indeed a community and not just a gym. Many people there are either friends or family, and the new people that join fall into one of those categories very quickly. I can pay my monthly fees for the great workouts, but I will forever be in your debt for how I feel today physically, emotionally, and for all the new friends I have made. I want to thank all of the staff for what you do to make DBS such a special place. I may not say it after days of running to Avenue H, but I really appreciate all of you and I’m sure everyone else does as well.

To start your membership, or to see what the Dane’s Body Shop community is all about, register here!