Put down the barbell already! You know that we want to help you be the most well-rounded athlete you want to be. That’s why we’re happy to announce that DBS Run Group is back! Starting Thursday morning, September 11, Octavio and Matt are hosting group runs with varying degrees of distance and difficulty.
First, Matt will be at Thursday morning classes if you’re up for a jog at 7am and 8am.
Octavio and Matt are also hosting Saturday morning run groups. So if you just want to run or supplement your training, hop in! The runs will be ~3 miles, ~6 miles, and ~7 miles, and begin at 7 am. For more info and locations, join the DBS Run Group Facebook page.
The best part? DBS Run Group is FREE. All levels welcome and no membership is required. Bring your friends, and show them how the DBS Community likes to party!
Email octou17@gmail.com or matthewjcharnock@gmail.com with any questions.
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