In case you hadn’t heard, Dane’s Body Shop is closed this holiday weekend. We’ll be back on Monday, Dec 29th. But if want to get a head start on your holiday recovery, Coach Trevor wrote some full-on workouts to do while all the coaches are home for the holidays. (These are also great for any other vacation fitness needs.) The best part: No gym gear necessary!

See you on Monday!

Workout 1

    Warm-up (3 rounds):
    1min run (or 60x mtn climbers total)
    8x Supine Twists (total)
    12x Walking Knee Hugs (total)
    8x Scorpions (total)
    12x Plank toe touch (total)

    Workout (For time):
    Buy-in: Max low plank hold (as long as possible)
    Rest 1min, then:
    25 Jump Squats / 5 Push ups (sub elevated or decline push ups, if needed; hold onto fixed object to assist you into full depth squat)
    20 Jump Squats / 10 Push ups
    15 “ / 15 “
    10 “ /20 “
    5 “ / 25 “

    Cash-out: Max wall-sit (as long as possible – hip crease below knees, arms straight out)

    Fusion: (3 rounds)
    6x Squat to fold
    30s forward fold
    6x Scorpion
    30s chest opener (each side)

Workout 2

    Warm-up (3 rounds):
    12x Single leg bridge (total)
    12x Lunge w/ psoas arm raise (total; raise same side arm as the extended leg behind you)
    8x Squat to fold
    8x Child pose rocks (rock from 4-point position to childs pose; back and up = 1 rep)
    Cash-out: 2min run (or 100x Mountain Climbers)

    15s low plank / 1min hollow body hold
    30s low plank / 45s hollow body hold
    45s “ / 30s “
    1min “ / 15s “
    30s rest in between rounds

    Fusion (2 rounds):
    6x Dane Fondas (R/L)
    6x hollow rocks
    30x dolphin pose walks (total; down dog but on elbows)
    20s bow pose hold

Workout 3

    Warm-up (3 rounds):
    10x lunge dislocates (total; using PV pipe, broomstick, long towel, etc…)
    8x Prone pull-downs
    6x Plank toe touch (R/L)

    Workout: (4 rounds for time)

    25x Chair Dips
    50x Walking Lunges (sub: jump lunges if able – or – grab a weight, loaded backpack or other suitable household object for loaded lunges)

    Fusion (2 rounds):
    10x Bird Dogs (R/L)
    Vinyasa to 20s thread the needle (from table top stance, lift right arm and thread it through space created between left arm and left leg, lean into right shoulder, repeat on left side)
    Vinyasa to 30s pigeon (R/L)

Workout 4

    Warmup (4-6-8-10)
    Alt toe touch (total)
    Pushup to Down Dog (total)
    Squat openers (total; deep squat, grab right ankle with left hand, secure left elbow into left inner thigh as you twist right arm to sky, switch sides)

    Workout (For time):

    100x straight-leg situps (sub bent knees if needed)
    100x OH Squats (using PVC pipe, towel, broomstick, etc..)
    50x Burpees

    Fusion (2 rounds):
    20x Fire Hydrants (total)
    10x Supine Twist (total)
    Camel Pose

Workout 5

    Warm-up (3 rounds):
    5x Squat to fold
    10x Bridge Lift
    10x Superman
    5x Plank Toe Touch (R/L)

    2 rounds, 1min each

    Jump Squats or KB/DB Swing (if available)
    Decline or conventional push ups
    Prisoner walking lunges (hands behind head)
    Single KB/DB Thrusters (think goblet squat to OH press; use loaded backpack or computer bag, paint cans, etc…)
    1min rest

    Fusion) 2-3 rounds
    12x Supine leg lifts
    12x Scorpions w/ 5s chest opener hold
    30s frog pose (

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