May Fusion Athletes: Mark Hernandez & Cherise Smith

We’d like to congratulate Mark Hernandez and Cherise Smith, our May Fusion Athletes of the Month!

Both Mark and Cherise were chosen because of their dedication to fitness,  as well as their drive and determination to improve and bounce back from life’s obstacles.

We asked Mark and Cherise a few questions about the relationship with fitness, their experience with our community, and how they manage such busy schedules.


How did you first hear about The Shop, and how long have you been training here?

MARK: I’ve been working out at DBS since the summer of 2011. A fellow DBS member, Richard, kept telling me about this great boot camp run by an ex-pro football player and suggested I give it a try. After the first day I was amazed, humbled, and hooked!

CHERISE: [My husband] Geoff started going to DBS first, when I was in the fourth month of a high-risk pregnancy. He’d come home after a workout exhilarated, telling me about movements and workouts.  I was a little jealous that I couldn’t participate, but mostly, I was determined to try them, when I was able.  I started coming to DBS two months after the baby was


Can you tell us more about your fitness background?

M: Prior to joining DBS, most of my workouts over the years included swimming, running, mountain biking, and lifting weights. I discovered P90X in 2008 and got great results; however, I was I very bored working out by myself. I played a number of team sports and my favorites were soccer and ultimate Frisbee until I discovered rugby in college. I  played rugby for about 10 years and I was very fortunate to participate in a tour over seas and got the privilege of trying out for the US National team. After my athletic career was over, I got my rugby coaching certification and volunteered my time to help start a high school program here in Austin, along with coaching at UT and Saint Edwards. I continue to play in a touch rugby league during the summer and I will continue to push my limits at DBS.


C: I’ve always loved to play sports, for both fitness and competition.  I swam competitively as a kid.  In high school, I played volleyball year-round, in addition to participating in a school-based sport in every season.  I played volleyball at a Division 1 university.  I’ve completed a half marathon — not my thing!  As all of my DBS friends know, I’m a slow and plodding long-distance runner.  I’ve done a number of sprint triathlons, which is much more to my liking.  Since I’ve been in Austin, I’ve also picked up tennis.


You both have extremely busy lives. How do you fit workouts into your schedules? Why is working out important to you?

M: As an actor, finding time to workout is definitely a challenge, as I constantly have to adjust my schedule to prepare for auditions and life in general. I work a day job, practice real estate on the side, and I am very active in my neighborhood. Staying fit is a priority for me because it creates a sense of well being that carries into every aspect of my life. I believe that if you really want something badly enough, you will do whatever it takes to make it happen. For me, that translates into making the time to work out rather than coming up with excuses why I can’t.

C: At the beginning of the week, I put the DBS workouts in my calendar.  Generally, I try to workout in the morning, so that the day doesn’t get in the way.  Sometimes it’s hard to fit in, but no one in my family wants to see me without a daily dose of endorphins! I exercise for physical and mental well-being.  As a former athlete, I admit to being a little vain, too!


Cherise, you were back in the Shop only weeks after having your second son, how did you do it?

I started coming to workouts when Baby Kaj was 8 weeks old.  I delivered him C-section, so I had to wait a little bit to heal.  To build up my fitness, I started walking, then running.  I went to 2 DBS workouts a week for a few weeks, then increased to three.  Now, I typically do four.  By going to DBS, my fitness returned quickly.


Mark, you often attend Veronica’s 7:30 p.m. class. What is it about that class, time and instructor that is appealing to you? 

The 7:30 class is the most convenient for schedule and it also helps me go to sleep at night. Veronica takes great care in her coaching, especially when she demonstrates movements and ensures we maintain our technique. She definitely walks the walk. I like her easy going attitude and she always seems to know just the right time when to push me, especially when I am struggling. Even when we are pushing through a tough session, we always seem to get in a good laugh about my growling because I can’t run as fast as I want to or because we have to do burpees again!


If you had to describe your experience at the Shop to a total stranger, what would you say in 3 sentences or less?

M: DBS is a fitness community where you always feel welcome and nobody will ever judge you regardless of your fitness level. The coaches are certified, helpful, and professional. The workouts are always challenging, always different, and we do fun things together, like steak night and the zombie obstacle course!

C: Everyone I’ve brought has liked and respected the workouts. I tell people how much I love the feeling of accomplishment after a workout; that I love how the workouts integrate lifting, stretching, and cardio; and maybe most importantly, it’s a nice community.   DBS coaches push you to do your best and encourage you along the way.

Congratulations Mark and Cherise! Keep up the great work!


To give Dane’s Body Shop a try, take a look at our schedule and see which class is right for you!