DBS Fusion Athlete COUPLE of the Month: Jonah and Lindsay Tzur


linsday and Jonah

The DBS Fusion Athlete Couple of the Month – Jonah and Lindsey Tzur

When we met to discuss the nominees for this month’s male and female Fusion Athletes of the Month, both Lindsay and Jonah Tzur’s names were suggested, and we immediately  knew they were the perfect candidates. So what better month than February, the month of LOVE, to introduce our first ever Fusion Athlete Couple of the Month?

Lindsay and Jonah have been more than a pleasure to coach and get to know for all of us at Dane’s Body Shop.  They are both determined and hard-working, and we have enjoyed watching them get stronger, faster, and start to really love our classes.  They both attend the fusion and yoga classes we offer, while Jonah also participates in the Strength Program.

We recently spoke with both Lindsay and Jonah about their experience with fitness, food, and even the perfect date.


Have you always worked out together since you’ve been married?

Lindsay: No. I never really worked out before coming to Dane’s Body Shop. Jonah and I had done the fitness program on the Wii a few times together, but that’s it.

Jonah: We talked about it a lot before finding Dane’s Body Shop.


When did you decide fitness was important in your life, and why?

Lindsay: I had always talked about wanting to work out but never really did it. We moved to Austin last April, and I decided it was time to make a positive change in my life and get in shape for the first time ever.

Jonah: Since I was a kid, I’ve almost always been involved in some sort of physical activity, but never this intensely. Ever since I met Lindsay we’ve talked about actually getting into shape and she has definitely been a driving force for me.


How has fitness and coming to DBS improved your relationship or supported a healthy marriage?

Lindsay: It’s a fun activity that we can both do together. It’s nice to see the physical results in one another, as well as motivate each other both in and out of class. There are some mornings we don’t want to wake up early to come to class, but one of us will motivate the other to get out of bed.

Jonah:  We have such opposite schedules, the few times a week that we get to go work out together are wonderful. Being active together as opposed to sitting around the house till work has been great.


What do you enjoy the most about working out with your spouse?

Lindsay: The competition! I love to try and beat Jonah at whatever we’re doing, whether it is a running race or trying to beat him for time.

Jonah: Her competitive nature pushes me.


Jonah dominates the pullup bar!

What movement is he/she really good at that you wish you could do as well?

Lindsay: Jonah is really good at holding himself up on the rings, as well as doing pull ups.

Jonah:  She is ridiculously good at things like the bear crawl and crab walk. I don’t even try to race her.


How many times a week to you try to workout at DBS?

Lindsay: I workout 3-4 times a week at DBS. Just depends on my work schedule.

Jonah: I come in 5 times a week for fusion, strength, and yoga classes.


When you aren’t working out at DBS, how do you enjoy spending your time together?

Lindsay: Lately we’ve been spending a lot of time at home. We have two cats and a dog that we like to spend time with, as well as watching movies and going out to dinner.

Jonah: We enjoy cooking, playing with our dog and cats, and have a terrible addiction to Super Mario.


Who is the cook in the family? What’s the best thing they make?

Lindsay: Jonah is the cook. I hate to cook, but I love to bake! Lately he’s been making really delicious homemade pizza. He wants to open his own restaurant in the future.

Jonah:  I am the cook, she loves my Pasta Puttanesca (I think), but I love braised ox tail.


What is your favorite go-to meal as a couple?

Lindsay: Tacos! Especially from TacoDeli post workout.

Jonah: Chinese food? Hold on let me ask Lindsay…


Jonah works nights a lot, but when you have an evening to spend together, what would you be doing?

Lindsay: When we have an evening off together, we’ll usually go out for dinner or stay in and watch a movie.

Jonah: We will probably do something food related. Whether at home or out, we definitely enjoy eating.


Describe your perfect “date” day to us. You probably might want to include a workout in there! 

Lindsay: Going to DBS of course! Then grabbing some coffee and breakfast tacos and walking our dog, Laurel.

JonahIt would start off at Dane’s. After that we would grab a bite to eat (there we go eating again), most likely at TacoDeli. Maybe explore Austin a bit as we still are relatively new here. Drive around, looking at houses we wish to be able to afford. We enjoy things like mini golf, Pinballz Arcade, maybe a movie if there’s something good. A nice dinner (and drinks?) is always great. If there is some good music, we will try and go listen. I just realized that this was one long day and I’m gonna be too tired to go to Dane’s tomorrow.


Lindsay catches some air!

Lindsay catches some air!

Please explain how DBS has impacted your lives as individuals.

Lindsay: Dane’s Body Shop has made a huge impact on my life. I never worked out before, and now I do. I found something I really enjoy! The instructors are great and push you every day to do your best. It’s part of the reason I love Austin so much. I enjoy being part of the DBS community.

Jonah: I feel stronger, healthier, happier, and I love seeing the same in Lindsay.


What do you feel is the most important reason for being a part of the DBS community?

Lindsay: It’s a great group of people that help motivate one another to reach their goals.  Everyone has been so welcoming since day one.

Jonah: That it is a community. It’s so positive. And Cede.


What are your fitness goals over the next year?

Lindsay: I want to be able to do all the running in class without stopping, as well as toe push-ups without going down to my knees.

Jonah:  I recently hit my first goal that I set here: a single pull up with no band assisting. Having done that, I would like to see myself able to continually add to that number. Also I’d like to see myself able to run 5-10miles, having only recently done 3.


If you could write a workout for your spouse, what movement would you make sure they did multiple times?

Lindsay: 10-1 burpees!

Jonah: I wouldn’t say multiple times, but I would love for her to attempt 1 box jump. I know that she is able to and that it is a mental challenge to overcome, but I know she can do it. Also burpees, lots and lots of burpees.


Congratulations Lindsay and Jonah! We are so proud of your hard work and excited to continue to push you to meet your future goals.

Be sure to bring your partner, loved-one, or friend to our upcoming Fancy Fusion Valentine’s Challenge March 3 at Dane’s Body Shop.