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Laura Blaser – August BAM – Hyde Park

How does fitness fit in with your larger life? I am always on the go…whether it’s work, home
or leisure travel. Fitness fuels me so I can keep my “energizer bunny” status that Robert would say I have!

Do you have any specific fitness goals you’d like to share with us? At present, I do not have anything specific. My plan is to maintain my consistency and enjoy the
workouts and my fellow DBS’ers


Have you noticed any changes, physically or mentally, since starting at the Shop? Yes…both! Physically, I am stronger than I have ever been in my life and mentally…I may or may not be more sane!


What do you value about the classes you take at the Shop? I value the coaching. The DBS coaches know their (you know what) and I can lift with confidence knowing that they will make sure I’m doing it the right way to avoid injury.


What keeps you coming to class regularly? The community…DBS’ers are a unique and great group. I know that whatever class I take, I will enjoy it because of the people I will sweat with. I guess you could fold this one into something I value about the Shop as well!


What is your favourite movement? Least favorite? I’m still on a burpee protest so I’ll make that my least favorite. As for my favorite, I’ll go with the deadlift!


Do you want to give anyone a shout out? I could literally give a shout out to everyone I workout with and then this interview would never end.  Instead, I’ll just say thank you DBS community for being an inspiring group of amazing people.  I love sweating/running/lifting heavy things with you!


What do you like to do when you’re not working out? I love to cook. I grew up in an Italian family from Philly, so all gatherings centered around food. It’s another “happy place” for me. With some wine and music…I can get in the zone.