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Ryan Dishaw – July BAM – Hyde Park

How does fitness fit in with your larger life?

Fitness is a big priority for me. As an overweight kid I value fitness for the way it makes me feel, but also how I envision my quality of life as I age. My dad retired several years ago and I’ve watched his mobility decline as he ages. I want to still be squatting, cleaning and dead lifting when I’m 80!

Do you have any specific fitness goals you’d like to share with us?

At the end of last year I noticed my body fat creeping up and my clothes fitting less comfortably. I had a milestone birthday last year and wanted to see what I could do to get a little leaner and meaner if I really focused on it. I hadn’t ever worked with a nutritionist, and decided I was ready to give it a try to see if that would help. After committing to a nutritional program for 6 weeks I made some changes to my eating habits that yielded results. I’ve been able to mostly stick with them since then and have been happy with the changes.

Have you noticed any changes, physically or mentally, since starting at the Shop?

Yes, I’ve been at the shop for ~ 4 years now and I’ve definitely gotten much stronger physically and mentally (sometimes) = )  Additionally, my approach to working out has changed as well. I’m a competitive person by nature, so I often want to go pretty hard. I’ve come to realize that there are always going to be people stronger and faster (i.e, Mark, Rimas, Max, Jacob just to name a few) and it’s better to live for another day than to kill (or injure) yourself doing things I’m not able to today.

What do you value about the classes you take at the Shop?

Hmm, lots of things for sure, but the community is probably the thing that stands out the most. I love the class style workouts and the fact that the workouts are programmed for me and keep working out fun and challenging. There are a lot of good programming and coaching available today, but there’s only one DBS.

What keeps you coming to class regularly?

I workout first thing the mornings to “get it out of the way” and ensure that work doesn’t prevent me from making it to the shop. The 5 am crew is a good group of people that keeps classes fun and interesting. While the members that get up that early to workout has changed during my time, there is a core group that is consistently there. The witty humor and balance of personalities makes me want to be there and also adds a sense of accountability.


What is your favorite movement? Least favorite?

Favorite movement is either clean or snatch (when I nail the technique). Least favorite is easily thrusters, hate them!