by Dunte Hector
“We trained hard … but it seemed that every time we were beginning to form up into teams we would be reorganized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganizing; and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization.” – Charlton Ogburn, Jr.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle
Folks, you’ve been paying attention. We love that.
Some people have remarked that their deadlifts are improving — just 3 weeks of posture and alignment work, hamstring training, and frequent deadlifting can do wonders for your lift!
Some others have mentioned that their abs feel stronger (bodyweight rows and ab work), that their flexibility is improving (consistent Fusion sessions), or that their pushups feel better than ever (has anyone counted up the pushups?).
This is exactly the kind of progress we want for you.
So far, classes have focused on deadlifts, kneeling presses, and pullup progressions.
Remember the Pullup Workshop: Saturday at 8am!
Three weeks doing only movements from those categories — “same” — with subtle position, alignment, or set & rep changes — “different.”
But our larger goals for this program are to make your legs and hips as strong as possible, to make your shoulders more mobile, and to improve your posture.
Next week is a sort of mini-Stamina Week, which will be a special treat after 3 weeks of deadlifts & presses. Then, we shift our focus — but only slightly! Get ready for squats and rows, plus more pullup work. Expect to spend 3 weeks advancing the range of motion, amount of work, and quality of lifting in each movement.
“I need consistency to make me strong and variety to keep me sane.” – Rob Lawrence
In other words, expect your training to be same but different: a familiar format with a related set of movements. Some of you have already noticed how much more valuable improvement and measurable results are than random variety.
We’ve trimmed our skill and lifting focuses back to the absolute minimum. We’ve selected only the safest, most productive exercises to make you as strong as possible. And we’re going to progressively intensify your conditioning work.
We just need you to keep showing up with great enthusiasm and faith in the process. We just need you to keep making progress. We just need you to keep paying attention.
And, of course, repeat until strong.
Don’t forget to register for your next workout!