Leslie Hall: Yearning for Churning

Leslie and I chose an extremely exotic location for our interview- the Hyde Park Shop!  Give us a break- she’s a busy gal (as you will soon learn) and this is what we were able to fit into both of our schedules.  Leslie was slowly sipping some delicious green tea and I was unable to drink anything owing to the fact that my jaw was on the floor upon learning just how much fitness and wellness in general this woman packs into her life.  Take a deep breath and enjoy my friends!

Leslie Hall: Do you mind if I periodically pour tea throughout the interview?  I brought back-up *pulls out thermos in addition to her coffee mug

Coach Chad: Absolutely, that is a clutch move.  What are you drinking?

This is ceremonial-grade matcha tea that I make every morning.  I can’t drink coffee anymore, but I think it has a lot of caffeine in it, but also other antioxidants and stuff.

Yeah!  I used to run the Whole Body department at a Whole Foods in Chicago, so I’m well versed in green teas and green tea supplements-

Right!  Did you know you’re the reason I take digestive enzymes?

That is awesome!  I only take them if we’re going to eat something way out of our diet like pizza, but I notice a big difference if I don’t take them.

I definitely notice a difference.  I take them now with every meal.

Cool!  I have some juicy questions that the other coaches wanted me to ask you, but the first thing I wanted to do is get a little back story on you.  Tell me and the readers the nickel version of Leslie.

Alright!  I’m originally from New Hampshire.  I grew up there, hated the cold, graduated from college and then moved to Honolulu for three years.

Oh!  Did you have a job out there?

Yep, I worked at the University of Hawaii doing social and behavioral research.  I also worked as a sexual violence educator at a non profit.  I did that and I was missing my family and then I moved to DC to go to grad school.  I lived there for 11 years and got into tech and that is where I met (her husband) Graham- we worked together.  Right after we got married we moved to Austin in 2015.  

What did you get your masters in?

Sociology.  Yeah, we lived here for a year and were following Eater articles to try and find the best coffee shop in Austin in order to figure out where we wanted to live.  We went to Quacks because it was in one of the articles.  We didn’t even know what Hyde Park was but we bought a house there and we discovered Dane’s because we were just walking around the neighborhood.

Nice!  And you’re still in Hyde Park?

Yep, same house!

That is a nice table setting for the first question from a coach I wanted to throw your way.  It comes from Autumn- and you’ve been doing some personal training work with her right?

Yes!  So, Autumn is amazing.  On New Year’s Eve 2020 I went to swim practice -I’m on the UT masters swim team- and we had this awesome 2 hour practice.  I sat down for a cup of tea and didn’t stand up again straight for 4 months because I hurt my back really badly. It was all because my core was really weak- I had no idea.  (Autumn) fundamentally changed the way I think about exercise and the ability to control my core so I could still come to Dane’s.  She changed my life.  So I see her now once a month so I don’t have to go to PT.  I highly recommend anyone having issues engaging their core going to Autumn.

She’s kind of a master at it.

I also always have a goal.  Currently it is doing a push up, doing a pull up and doing a handstand. She gives me ways to work on those. 

That’s cool, you’re impressed with her and she is impressed with you.  Specifically, she mentioned that she is impressed that you have causes you are enthusiastic about and that you actually do something about it- you take action.  She wanted to know how you would advise others to do the same, but before you do that I want you to give some examples of causes you’ve been in to

Sure.  I am a big believer in equal rights for everyone no matter what.  I was really involved in some nonprofits in DC and wanted to figure out how to do that here.  It probably isn’t surprising for anyone who knows me that my beliefs don’t exactly align with that of the Texas legislature.  When SB8 and some of the other anti-trans bills came down I really wanted to do something to combat it.  I put a feeler out on instagram for groups that I could work with and got some good suggestions that I could research more.  So now I’m doing things like letter writing, phone banking, postcard writing; I joined Texas Blue Action and went to their advocacy day.  I also just learned what “dropping a card” is-

Ummhm, I just learned that too.  Can you talk a bit about what that is?

When a bill goes into the committee to see if it is going to come up for a full vote or not, they have people come in and testify.  As part of testifying, you can just say you agree or disagree.  So dropping a card is just a way of formally saying you agree or not with that bill.  My next goal is to actually testify in front of a committee.  

So what is your best piece of advice for someone who wants to get involved more?

I would say just to put out in your network what sort of organizations might align with your values.  Just ask around.  Organizations usually just have more ways to get involved.  Or you can reach out to me!  I’m happy to help.

That is wonderful!  Turning things inward a little bit, one of Blair’s questions was- you’re doing a meditation challenge?

*Laughing* Yes!  I’m not working for a couple months and I’m taking it as kind of a mindfulness journey.  My doctor told me I need to lower my stress and so I’m trying to figure that out.  I found a meditation coach- I’m doing a form of transcendental meditation where you meditate for 20 minutes.  So yeah, I’m doing it for a month, so let me know then if I seem calmer!

The Beatles were into transcendental meditation right?

Yes!  I just learned that they were the ones that brought transcendental meditation to the states.

Yeah, they went on that retreat to India in like ’67 or 68′.  Are you finding it difficult?

No!  The way my coach described it is that it is lazy person’s meditation.  I’ve always tried to meditate with different apps and nothing ever stuck because I can’t clear my mind.  In transcendental meditation, you don’t have to empty your mind, you just focus on your mantra and when your mind wanders you just acknowledge it and return to your mantra. So far my Whoop monitoring shows that my stress levels when I’m meditating are the same as when I’m sleeping.

Oh… Wow!  That is very cool.  That is the quiet part of your life and another one of Blair’s questions was how much physical activity you take on per day.  I’m assuming that has something to do with the fact that you’re known to take two classes in a day?

Yes!  I’m recovering from foot surgery, but when I’m not doing that a good week would look like: Fusion 6 mornings a week, Strength 3 evenings a week, swim practice twice a week, Peloton three times a week, and I just started adding yoga three times a week.

I have been seeing you showing up for yoga!  Plug for 6:15pm Thursday yoga at Hyde Park with Anna!

I was there last night- it was excellent!  I figured The Shop has these yoga classes with incredible coaches, why am I not taking advantage?

Very cool.  Yoga is kind of its own thing- I was curious if you could talk a little bit about the difference between Strength and Fusion class.

Oh my gosh, yes!  For me personally, being part of the 5am crew, Fusion is just as much social as it is a workout and a way to feel great as I start the day.  Being done with a hard workout with really fun wonderful people before the sun comes up every day just makes you feel good about yourself.  It is faster though and there is more cardio- I don’t always take the time the way I do in Strength.  I just started Strength last summer whereas I’ve been doing Fusion for I don’t know how long.  When I started doing Strength I started paying attention to the actual percentages and taking the time to not rush.  In March of last year I was deadlifting 55lbs and in November I hit 230lbs.  I feel stronger.  Some days it is hard to do two a days though.

Hard in terms of finding the time or finding the motivation?

Both!  But that crew at 5:30pm Manor Strength is so fun.  It is like I have this whole new group of friends.

Anyone you want to shout out there?  I’m not going to ask you to shout out the 5am people because I’ve interviewed you nut jobs before and you’re just going to call out everyone in that freaking class.  

*laughing* No, I’ll say the entire 5:30pm crew too- I don’t want to single anyone out.  I will say the person who got me into it was Marie (Hwang).  We used to work together and we still wanted to see one another, so she told me to start coming to Strength.  I started coming once a week, but the people were so great and I felt myself getting stronger, so it stuck.  It is fun being able to pick shit up!

It is!  When I first started pushing my weights, the first cool thing was when I realized I was deadlifting an NFL offensive lineman-


I just deadlifted Nate Newton!  Do you have any similar comparisons?

I don’t, but now I’ll need to!  Like can I deadlift my husband?

Right?  You two don’t really work out together ever- is that just because he isn’t a 5am kind of guy?

He’s not a 5am person and whereas half of me being here is social, he is just really focused on his workout so he is more of a solitary person.  

I think that is very much a testosterone thing.  I’m a super social person, but when I’m at the gym with my wife I have a strict “no touching me” policy… that she violates pretty often.  That’s okay though.  So you love both the 5am class and the 5:30pm class, but aside from one being Fusion and the other being Strength, is there another difference between those communities?

It feels like 5am is a little more type A.  Super focused and on to the next thing.  Then 5:30pm is a little more relaxed- it is just a nice way to end the day.

That tracks.  So far this interview has been this tour of healthful decisions you make in your life- fitness, meditation, more fitness- what do you do for fun?  What indulgences?

Umm… I come to Dane’s for fun.  When you come somewhere for two hours a day, it is a good chunk of your day.  If you’ve been in Hyde Park, you’ve seen me walking my three dogs-

Yes!  Their names are?

Brandy Alexander (like the cocktail), Bubba Newton, and Benny G.

Brandy is the only one that comes around here right?

Brandy is the only one that comes here because she is the only I’m not afraid of peeing on the turf.  The boy dogs, I don’t trust them so they stay at home-

Public service announcement- please don’t let your dogs pee on the turf, people do sit ups there for crying out loud!  Now Brandy is deaf right?

Yeah, they are all boxers.  Interesting fact, most white boxers are deaf.  

I had no idea.  Now I know that Graham is a big concert person, are you?

Yeah, we both are.  I really wasn’t until I met him, but then he is really good at finding music I would like.  He worked at an independent record store up in New York for a long time.

That tracks because even though he isn’t a super chatty person he is a good person to have a conversation with because he knows cool shit.

Oh yes!  And he is the best person to add to your trivia team.

Do you have a favorite concert you’ve been to recently?

For my birthday we went to Margo Price.  That was really fun.  We go to the movies a lot- we’re going to see Dazed and Confused next weekend at Alamo.

Alright, Alright, Alright!

Yes!  I’m trying to read more books-

Anything currently?

Actually, right now I’m reading Alright, Alright, Alright: The Oral History of Dazed and Confused.

That’s fun!  You’ll be primed for the film.  Well, we have a particularly robust random question section with most of the coach sourced questions there.  Another one from Autumn- you always have fun hair, do you have a favorite hair coloring scheme 

you’ve received?

I have the world’s best colorist and I usually give her an inspirational photo.  The last one I gave her was a nineties magic eye poster.  I think my favorite was when I gave  her a photo of an opal.

I think I can picture what that one was- pretty recent right?

Yes!  It was different colors in the light.  I think my next one might be the Northern Lights.

Oooo Aurora Hairialis!  

*laughing* Yes!

Magic Eye posters- were you ever able to see the image?

Oh yes, you really have to focus.

Yeah, I could never get it and I was so frustrated.  To this day the idea of them makes my blood pressure rise.  Okay, Stormie wanted to know if you know exactly how many shoes you own?

*big laughter* Stormie and I like to talk about Nikes.  I keep suggesting Nikes for her to wear on her wedding day and I really love the ones she picked.  I don’t know how many I have, but I am figuring out how to store them which probably means I have too many.  

I’m not a shoe guy at all, I don’t understand where the love of them comes from.

I think it is because you can wear a pretty basic outfit with a pop of color on a really cool pair of kicks.  Now that I’ve had ankle/foot surgery, I’ve had to get rid of my heels, so I’m going really in on sneakers that make statements.  

Lauren wanted to hear about your time as a Jazzercise instructor?

*Roaring laughter* It wasn’t technically Jazzercise, it was just aerobics.  In college and after college, I was a certified aerobics instructor.  I taught step aerobics at UNH- big classes of 50 people or so- I loved it so much that I considered not getting a job with my major and instead going to club med to become an aerobics instructor.

What a different path that would have been.

I loved it and have wondered if there would ever be a world in which we’d have step aerobics at Dane’s.

If that world comes, I think we know who our first interview will be!  Lauren also wanted to know about churning?  I have no clue what she is talking about here.

Uhhh….  *mildly blushing* I don’t know if we should talk about that one…

*Laughing* Okay, I’ll hit you up on that once we’re off the record!  Now one from yours truly- you strike me as maybe a karaoke person-

Um…. I’m only good at karaoke when I’m pretty drunk.

Do you have a favorite song you’ve done?

“Bust a Move” by Young MC.  I look at who is in the room and then google the most popular karaoke song so they can sing louder than me because my voice is horrible.  I have a terrible voice.  It is so bad that I have a clear memory of being in 3rd grade belting it out and Ms. Courtney went line by line to figure out who was making the noise and told me to be quiet.

That is traumatizing!  Maybe your meditation will help you to heal that wound.  It kind of makes me want to ask you to sing right now-

No!!!  You can ask Graham, it isn’t pretty- Ms. Courtney was right.

That brings me to my next question: do you have a secret talent?

I’m really good at optimizing things- organizing and finding the most efficient path.  

My wife and I recently moved into a house and are still nesting and such, so my follow up question there would be do you have anything around the house that you are particularly proud of optimizing?

Yes!  Our backyard.  When we first moved in, it was a giant mud puddle.  My dream is to turn our backyard into a luxury hotel situation.  We’ve got our pool and firepit and the goal is to make it feel like every day is a vacation so when you actually go on vacation, you go on an adventure.

Do you have a surprising pet peeve?

Um… I hate it when people jog in place at stop lights.  I don’t know why.

That is a good one!

Yeah, no clue.  It is just like, “What are you doing?  Just stand still.”

That is so funny, I’m trying to figure out if I’m a run at stop lights person.  I think maybe in my twenties I was but now I just take it as divine intervention that I should rest for a second.  That is exactly the kind of answer that I’m looking for when I ask this question.

It is so judgemental and stupid.

It is!  That is why it is perfect.  Well that is most of the questions I have.  Do you have any words of wisdom you’d like to conclude with?  You’ve given a lot of wisdom already, so you could go a whole other direction and just leave me with fighting words.

*laughing* Rather than words of wisdom, I’ll just say thank you to the Dane’s Community.  I’m sure you’ve had people talk about this, but being able to come here during the pandemic saved me.  I was in my house all day long, working crazy hours at HEB trying to figure out how to get people groceries and being able to first work out at home on Zoom and then to have a place to workout outside saved my sanity.  Those outdoor workouts in the park?  We’d been coming to The Shop for a couple years already, but that is what really made me think how special this community is.  

It cuts both ways.  I would hear about the emotional toll the pandemic was taking on people and I kept thinking that I felt okay.  I realized it was because I have this job where it is my job to spend time around people like you.  So thank you for showing up during those tough times.

My pleasure!

Well Leslie, this has been great.  This is for Brandy, this is for Bubba, this is for-


And for Graham.

All of us on Avenue F!  

Avenue F folks- go find her and learn about “churning”!